LEARNING OBJECTIVES: What is "Launching" a new pin?

What the heck do I mean by “launching” a pin? When I talk about "launch," I’m referring to giving a brand new pin a boost – getting it off the ground and circulating, so it can start getting engagement, like re-pins and clicks (yay, clicks!). My launch process works because it drives multiple forms of engagement, and we've discussed that the almighty Pinterest algorithm thrives on engagement.

Of course, the best engagement is organic, but starting strong can help drive organic engagement which will hopefully continue to grow long after your pin is first published on Pinterest. The goal for every pin you create should be to achieve "virality," meaning that your Pin continues to get organic saves and clicks - aka traffic to your site - every single day, on its own, for years and years.

To give you an idea of the power of a viral pin, a pin I created for one of the first ever posts I ever wrote currently sends 400+ visitors to my site EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And it's done that for me for over a YEAR, with close to no effort on my part. If you're curious, this is the pin. It's been shared over 20,000 times, and counting.

Yeah: Pinterest virality is powerful stuff.

Here's one important thing to note before we talk about Launching new content: I'm not talking about OTHER PEOPLE'S CONTENT on Pinterest. I'm talking about YOUR content, as in pins that you've created that link back to your blog posts. That's the only content you need to focus on "launching."

By the end of this module, you will know ....

  • Why it's important to "launch" your pin
  • Several highly effective methods for sharing your pins
  • The step by step "launch" process

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